One of the first articles I dug up when I heard there was gonna be a covid vaccine


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Those who ignore history..

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Three years! That’s crazy talk. It can’t be done. How could anyone develop a safe vaccine in such a short time frame?

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Yet enough was known about the firstborn child's pedigree that we might have expected the apple to fall close to the tree...

"FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, Wednesday, September 2, 2009

US Justice Department Announces Largest Health Care Fraud Settlement in Its History

Pfizer to Pay $2.3 Billion for Fraudulent Marketing"

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Thank you Galileo. I've saved PECC as a resource to help protect our children now and in the future. Keep up the galiant work Galileo. We All Sincerely and Gratefully Appreciate it so very much.

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Isn’t it amazing that when there’s billions to be made and millions to kill, maim, or sterilize the “testing” and “development” just magically accelerates?

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