Andrew Bridgen, who is a Conservative Member of Parliament, was suspended from his Party after he had tweeted the following.
"As one consultant cardiologist said to me this is the biggest crime against humanity since the holocaust."
The party and the Establishment generally appear to be using the smear of "antisemitism" to silence legitimate criticism of the covid vaccine program. The detailed story can be found here:
The tweet linked to an article containing a detailed VAERS analysis performed by Josh Geutzkow.
This is what Igor wrote:
This is what Prof Fenton said:
And they were not alone:
25 leading scientists, doctors and researchers from Israel, The UK, Canada and the USA sent the following letter to PM Sunak to protest the weaponization of antisemitism allegation in what is clearly a political assassination of Bridgen for raising his well established concerns regarding the covid19 Vaccines.
Descendants of Holocausts survivors did not find Bridgen comment offensive but PM Sunak did?
I don’t expect that it has Anything to do with him maybe having mRNA stocks:
The Letter:
No one can really think that tweet has triggered the public spat. It’s just once again Jews are a convenient tool in an attempt to avoid public debate of governmental failure. Wonder where the party has learned to use us this way.
Thank you for sharing this very important letter.