Could it be? Are the people finally waking up?

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Some days it almost feels like we're winning.

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The fight is long but in the end it will be decided by awareness.

In Israel the tide has started turning 6 months ago.

We are winning (or rather they are losing) beyond our wildest dreams.

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I noticed the overall compliance stalled in Oct. 2021. That was right after the MOH Facebook scandal -- where they pushed the "extremely rare side-effects" narrative, got flooded with testimonies of Pfizer injuries... and then were caught deleting these comments by the thousands.

It was downhill from there.

It's true that 'correlation is not causation' but... just sayin.

Their current attempts to stampede people into getting booster jabs with "new wave of death" scare predictions are flopping. And it's easy to explain why.

They picked the surest way to alienate the Israeli public -- they made us feel like "friars" for trusting them.

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Can you gauge how the general public feels towards those who never took this injection?

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Overwhelming majority doesn't care at all while other un-jabbed started reporting around 6 months ago admiration gestures from the jabbed such as :

"How did you know to avoid this stuff when everyone was told how great it is?"

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Oh, love it!

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Only my own perceptions. For the first year, the authorities (Prime Minister, Health Minister, "Covid czar", et al.) and left-leaning media were trying to demonize the jab refusers, and some employers required the jab, but the Green Pass got a lot of people mad -- I think (though I can't prove) it started a quiet sneaky revolt.

Example: We went to a wedding during the time the gov't required the GP or a negative PCR to get in. The wedding hall "forgot" to post a bouncer at the entrance, and everyone knew exactly what the message was. All 300 guests had a fantastic time dancing and hugging - without masks! Come to think of it, I don't remember the waiters wearing them either. And far as I know, no one ratted on the hall owners. It was like the "speak-easies" during the American Prohibition.

As for ordinary Israelis (neighbors, friends, store owners), they never even asked me if I was pfizered. Even our family is half-jabbed / half not, and we continued to get together -- when the gov't allowed us to! Other localities and families could have been very different.

Now people don't want to talk about the shots at all. Except for my health clinic, which sends me periodic robot-messages about how I haven't yet "protected" myself with the "safe and effective vaccine" and I need to make an appointment right away.

I just thank GOD we didn't go as far as Canada.

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That last line gutted me. I'm in Canada. And yes, you are lucky.

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Be strong.

It was Canadians who taught me that Covidism shall not prevail.

Its collapse as well as the collapse of nazism or communism is unavoidable.

Our hearts go out to you.

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My goodness, Canada turned on a dime. I remember the first time I watched the truckers driving to Ottowa. It was a 10 minute video and tears streamed down my face for the full 10 minutes. I was so moved and it filled me with a hope that I hadn't felt until then. And then Trudeau went full on fascist. 😐 Take good care, stay strong, and know that we may not live close by, but in another way we're so in this together. ❤️

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Thanks for sharing your experience there. Good to hear. 💕

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Hope you're right but it sure doesn't feel that way in Canada. They're tripling down and it's concerning.

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I wonder what the psychological fall out from this might be once people fully grasp the implications. Will we have hundreds of millions of people upset and angry, depressed and fearful? It’s very bad for society as a whole.

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And what will their reaction to the unvaxxed and unfooled be? I fear deep resentment is heading our way. Again.

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I think that will depend on the speed of injury. If it’s a slow process (and I think it will be) whereby the effects of the jab are long term, presenting in the population over years and in a multitude of ways, the impudence to “blame” the unjabbed will be less. It will be more of a case of begrudging jealousy. The “I did my bit and got sick, you didn’t do your bit and didn’t get sick, this is unfair you should be sick as well” syndrome is likely to manifest in some form however. Meanwhile ... na na nana nah I’m unvaccinated!

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Definitely not incompetence. They (with a lot of help from the media) did a bang up job in scaring the people half to death. People were tripping over themselves to get the shots and to give it to their kids.

But everyone sees they don't work. Most of the vaxxed got sick. Many have been injured. So people figured there's no point. Only the true believers continued.

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Well done Israeli people! 😄👏

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Thank heavens. Israel just needs to hang on long enough to get these cohorts to adulthood.

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Thank You

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I am so happy after reading this article. I am glad the Israeli people are finally waking up to the dangers of repeated covid vaccinations. Based on the MSM, it seemed that the Israeli people were brainwashed into taking dose after dose of a very dangerous and unproven vaccine.

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