Dr. Yoav Yehezkelli Demands Commission of Inquiry:
For the past two years, science and medicine have been under attack by health authorities all over the world, including here in Israel. Doctors and researchers have used a pandemic of low-to-medium severity as an excuse for hasty publication of “instant” studies, and to restore the medical paternalism from which it took us decades to free ourselves. They have silenced open scientific dialogue and spread biased information and fake news to the public.
We grew up on randomized controlled trials, informed consent and meticulous safety monitoring. We were educated on the principle of "First, do no harm" and the duty of care.
On full disclosure to the patient who has the right to make autonomous decisions, free from all pressure. On honoring our patients’ decisions. On compassion.
In the reality of modern medicine, my fellow doctors and I don't have the time required for critical reading of original studies. We are mainly "fed" commentary already chewed up and digested for us by the Ministry of Health, the medical establishment and/or lecturers who are funded by pharmaceutical companies. The information we receive is therefore biased and distorted.
A critical reading of studies reveals a very different picture than the one they paint.
You read studies on vaccine efficacy published in the world’s leading academic journals two weeks after they were presented – and the next day are quoted by the Ministry of Health and the media, and you're shocked! These are data studies full of distortions and biased group selections in order to ‘prove’ the narrative, while ignoring data that contradicts the thesis, or solid results, such as all-cause mortality. As far as NNV (number needed to vaccinate) and ARR (absolute risk reduction) go, there's nothing to even talk about. Has Bayesian Analysis been forgotten, the basis of decision-making in medicine?
When it comes to bias, the journals themselves excel with flying colors. Whatever matches the government narrative, such as administering more and more vaccinations, is immediately accepted without elementary peer review (confirmation bias) and anything else is rejected out of hand. This is the case in most of the medical journals, first and foremost the New England Journal of Medicine and the JAMA, which have become completely inured. Relative exceptions to this rule are the British journals.
You read the posts that Israel’s Ministry of Health presents to the public and can't help but be terrified. It is false propaganda of the worst kind, and a source of shame to the Ministry which is supposedly based on the medical profession. From distorted data to fearmongering, it is the very antithesis of proper and measured public risk communication in a time of crisis and emergency.
Not only has the Ministry of Health become inured, but the professional medical associations as well. These were too quick to declare that the vaccines are safe for pregnant women before data was even collected, that there is no correlation between the vaccine and menstrual changes, and they published baseless position papers in order to advance the policy of vaccination of children that was dictated jointly by the Ministry of Health and Pfizer.
The weaponized silencing carried out by the Ministry of Health and the media against medical and scientific positions other than the establishment line is the antithesis of science and medicine, which is based on questioning, research and discourse.
Suddenly it becomes clear that the pro-vaccination cult, which pushed the vaccine with unprecedented aggression, have in their nearsightedness actually become the most powerful case for anti-vaxxers: since their action creates such a reaction and a lack of trust among the public towards vaccines in general. Forced vaccination by means of the Green Pass does not go hand in hand with patient autonomy. It is a return to the medical patronage of yore. It is not for naught that this coercion arouses resistance, and not just among anti-vaxxers: never have I met so many normative parents who are on the fence as to whether to vaccinate their children according to schedule. We will partake in the wretched fruit of coerced COVID vaccination, the Green Pass and restrictions on the unvaccinated, for many years to come.
The institutional disregard for side effects of the COVID vaccine as a new medical treatment brought onto the market under emergency approval is outrageous. Yesterday, a 45-year-old man without any atherosclerosis who experienced a heart attack and blood clot a month after vaccination, and a young woman whose autoimmune disease exacerbated twice following the vaccination doses, came into my clinic within a single hour. The side effects report recently published by Israel’s Ministry of Health itself contains enough to suspend the vaccine for those who aren't in an at-risk group for COVID.
As one who has dealt in the past with preparedness for a biological event of national concern, it was clear that the public health services lacked the knowledge and mentality required to deal with it. For years, we tried to distance them from the possibility that they would manage such an event if it came to pass, until recent years, when the leadership at the Ministry of Health neglected the issue of pandemic preparedness and the emergency department. And indeed, the damage done by the extreme reaction of the public health services to health, education and the economy will be felt for years. The disregard for the very definition of health in its fullest meaning (physical, social and emotional wellbeing, and not just the absence of disease) as the goal of fighting the pandemic is a critical issue obscured by the tunnel vision of those poorly managing the crisis. Not only this: removing clinical discretion from doctors and replacing it with arbitrary and incoherent directives is a blow to the medical profession and only furthers the damage caused by the establishment by increasing healthcare workers burnout.
It is important to state: there is no medical and scientific consensus about the proper response to a pandemic, like many other issues. The state of affairs in which the government lionizes such a controversial professional stance, while silencing other views is not legitimate. The state of affairs in which the Knesset (Israeli Parliament) and courts accept the Ministry of Health's stance as if there is no other reasonable alternative; in which a state of emergency is continued without any basis in reality and even extended by use of a new regulation named "Special State of Health", which is simply Newspeak for the exact same thing, is unreasonable in a democracy.
We were educated to trust evidence-based medicine and read original studies with a critical eye. For those who do so, a picture completely different from the reality painted for us by the Ministry of Health becomes clear. Our first obligation as loyal public servants and health practitioners is to the public and to our patients; not to the managers, not to government officials and not to whoever appointed them to their positions.
My trust in research, in the medical establishment and in the goodwill of those at the top, who are unworthy to be called leaders, has been very undermined.
As a doctor, I feel that I have been betrayed.
I mourn my profession. The doctors were bravely fighting the pandemic with never-ending devotion, but their finest hour turned into a disaster due to bad leadership and erroneous policies.
In order to recover from this crisis, we need to learn from our mistakes and investigate with courage what transpired. Those involved with handling this crisis won't do it, because their heads are at risk. We, the People of Israel, must demand a National Commission of Inquiry.
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Dr. Yoav Yehezkelli
Specialist in Internal Medicine and Medical Management. Former lecturer in the Department of Emergency and Disaster Management at Tel Aviv University. Lt. Col. Res., One of the founders of the epidemic management team and evaluation programs for extreme biological incidents. Served as a hospital's deputy director, district physician and district director of the primary care division in the HMOs. Medical consultant to KI research institute.
It is so refreshing to read this. I feel betrayed as well. I look around at the doctors and nurses in my hospital - they all were fine with the coercion. They never uttered a peep at the utter destruction they were taking part in.
I will never be able to look at my colleagues in the same way.